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I believe that each one of us can live their healthiest, happiest and best life BUT we must take FULL RESPONSIBILITY for our own health, healing and happiness.

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My Inspiration

From an early age I was always in awe of people who took matters into their own hands and made the best of their lives. They did not necessarily have an easy life but they made the best with what they were served. They blamed no one and took full responsibility for their health, happiness and actions.  After graduating as a registered general nurse in May 2008 I could not wait to see the world and work towards my healthiest and happiest self. Little did I know what true healing meant and how many obstacles I had to overcome. And yet my crystal-clear vision of how my healed, healthy and happy self guided me all the way here! I stayed consistent on my healing journey, traveled many roads, had some detours but eventually came out the other side. The road of self- discovery led me to become a certified  Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and Breath Coach. Along the way I became more gentle with myself and others and understood that healing is multidimensional and bio-individual. It was like the final piece that put all together. I am beyond grateful to be here now and to be in a position where I can be of service to others.


And now I am more than happy to help you help yourself to become the best version of yourself! Ready?

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